Tuesday, July 1, 2008

All Joplin Globe Honors

Mason Roller was named to the Joplin Globe 1st team. Ryan Veith was named to the Joplin Globe Second team. Derek Dailey, Chris Bennett, and Josh Wiseman were named to the Joplin Globe Honorable Mention. Congratulations to all of you on this award.

Also, Fall practice will start on August 11th at 3:00 pm. For all incoming Freshmen, you will need baseball pants, shirt and hat at all practices and be early so we can start at 3:00. That is for the returning guys too. The returning guys need to wear there practice shirts.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Bob S. is calling our players to come and practice with him this week and I don't think is very wise for the players to go out there and risk the chance of getting hurt. There is no reason for our kids to be out there because you are their coach and they will start high school practice with you August 11th.

August 4, 2008 at 4:58 PM  
Blogger jhughes said...

Bobby called me earlier and told me he was going up there if anyone wanted to go up there. He is only going to let them take a few swings. I think it will be good for the ones that want to, to go up and get some swings in. I can't be up there until next week or I would be up there every chance I could. But, it is not mandatory and only if they want to go up.
Don't forget that practice will start at 3 on Monday. Don't be late.
Coach Hughes

August 4, 2008 at 8:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob is volunteering his time to work with whoever wants extra practice. How will he know who's interested unless he calls.

This is no different than playing
on summer baseball leagues. I
agree with Coach Hughes on this one.

Ronnie Veith

August 4, 2008 at 8:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's pretty simple. If you are worried about your child being hurt, don't let them participate.

We should be happy that someone is volunteering their time to improve our program. Instead of this type of anonymous complaining, we should be thanking them.

Thanks Bob!

Ken Terry

August 5, 2008 at 10:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, where do I start,
I'll type slow because their are some people who just aren't very bright.
"Our players", that offends me deeply, by choosing those words you have now
taken ownership of the entire baseball program, including my son, and
involved the coach.
I will make one simple comment just so you don't have to read the rest of
the blog. " If you don't like the idea. don't show up!! If your upset
because you weren't contacted I'm sorry, Or once you realize you are in the
minority on this subject, which you won't know until you have driven by the
ballfield a couple of times to see who's there , show up, apologize and let
your son get in some swings and have some fun with his teammates before
Coach Hughes starts his official practices.We will start hitting around 7pm
on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday we will also be hitting on Wednesday after
church around 8pm, no structure, no practice no conditioning just boy's on a
baseball field having fun. I've talked to Coach Hughes on several occasions
this summer and make no mistake about it, his intentions are to put the best
ball team on the field he can and his practices will be no picnic!

I care about the sports programs at Purdy, I care deeply about them, I've
supported the HS program as long as I can remember. I was talking to a close
friend today about hitting some baseballs with his son and Reese at the ball
park this week to prepare them for the upcoming fall season. His boy has
been hitting off of allot faster pitching than what he will see in H.S. and
Reese has been facing pitchers from 55' most of the summer. And by the way,
it really ticks me that I have to use my son's name in this blog to try and
defend myself and my actions and you don't have the nerve to sign your name
to what you perceive to be a horrific injustice. (you probably won't
understand the significance of what I'm telling you here but refer back to
the first sentence or two.)I asked him what he thought about getting as many
boys together as possible, it's just as easy to have 7 or 8 boys on the
field as it is 2 or 3. (You probably won't understand that either, first
sentence or two). He thought it was a good idea, less running and chasing
baseballs for us. After that conversation I sent out an email to parents
that I had an e-mail address for telling them that I was going to be at the
ballpark on certain days and times and if they were interested they could
come buy and get some swings in before the boy's started practice on the
11th. I called.... 1 parent......... because I knew their son would be
interested and I had promised that parent anytime I could to involve him.(
Promise kept). Well, I have to contradict myself, I did call one other party
to see what they thought, Coach Hughes. If you want his thoughts on our
conversation you will have to get them from him. I realize some take me the
wrong way and granted I bite off more than I can chew sometimes. Long blog
and I apologize. But all I'm trying to do is help and support the sports
program at the best HS in SW Missouri. If you don't agree to what is going
on you certainly have the right to post your thoughts but if you have a
problem with me , call me and we can discuss the matter, or if you think I'm
crossing the line with the coach, call him and discuss it and express your
concerns to him. I know for a fact you have both of our phone numbers! A
school website which is designed to get information to parents and
participants is not the forum for such rhetoric. One other note, I am
inviting everyone that I contacted or anyone that has an opinion on the
matter to post their comments about this subject, no hard feelings one way
or the other.....sign your name.... We live in a town of 1200 people, do you
really think anonymous works.
Also you might want to Google the ease of traceability of an IP address, it
costs $4.95 for a one time usage. I just happened to have $5 laying around,
I've got a nickel left. To those of us that have always been and always will
be 100% supporters of the Eagle sports programs I apologize for this
negativity of this blog. To those of you that think I'm in the wrong, I'm in
the phone book!
Bob S. ( Stevenson )

August 5, 2008 at 11:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Welcome to Purdy High School athletics!

I too share your same point of view that PHS is the best in SW MO and would like to see the sports programs dominate as it did in years past. As one who took a group of boys, at a young age, to play basketball to give them playing experience & develop their skills so they could hopefully be successful during their high school years. I too have received ridicule and have had these group of young men called anything from the "dream team" to "selfish", none of which to my face. As time progresses, you too will receive the cold shoulder, letters to the editors, whispers & rumors behind your back & countless other comments & looks directed towards you, with no one taking responsibility for such actions. I guess this is the price you pay for wanting to see your school strive to be the best. I regret nothing and would do it again. It is way to easy for people to sit and complain then to actually get themselves and their child out and try to make their child and school better.

I know this does not belong on this blog and feel a little embarrassed about putting it here but i have sit quietly to long and i am not going to let a friend of mine take a hit without me sticking up for him. And to whoever is upset, do not take it out on the young men who represent our school by not cheering for them, talking to them, etc..., for their EXTRA work in seeking out their sport(s) in other venues. You should applaud them for trying to make themselves and the team they represent better.

I thank you Bobby for offering your time.


Craig Williams

August 5, 2008 at 12:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's some advise. If you have someone willing to give extra help, take it. Who knows Bob S. might just be the person you will be calling after season starts to help your kid because his batting average went down the drain or he's having trouble making contact. Don't burn your bridges too fast.

LaDonna Dailey

August 5, 2008 at 2:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Purdy could use a few more VOLUNTEERS like Bobby. Everything he does related to sports is to help our High School program. I think it is great that there is someone willing to spend their time working with the boys. I couldn't even begin to try to count how many hours Bobby has spent with Cody over the last 6 years in baseball as well as the countless hours he and Craig have spent in the past 6 years in basketball. I am greatful to both of them for what they have done.

As for all the boys showing up for this "hitting", keep up the good work! Your commitment to the sport will definately show come game time.

Deanna Hall

August 7, 2008 at 2:57 PM  

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